Each of us has a snowflake soul, a unique way our innermost being is wired. Just as each snowflake is different, so is our preference for symbols and images. The other morning, I walked out on the deck with my cup of coffee to greet the day. I looked over at a terra cotta angel that sits atop a small table. For some reason she caught my attention that morning. It got me thinking about the angels in my life, both in human form and material form.
There is no doubt about it, I am drawn to angels. When I take a look around my house, I see them perched on a mantle, or inside my hutch, on a bookshelf, or welcoming me into my art studio. Acquiring angels has not been a mission for me, or a collection that I am trying to acquire. Rather, they serendipitously landed here and there, just as they do in real life, in human form. I remember the time at Heathrow airport when I was distraught over a family matter, a woman appeared to me wearing a felt hat, carrying a sunflower, and offered prayer and consolation. When my car broke down on Vail Pass while driving to court for a speeding ticket my son had gotten, a kind man stopped to help get me to a gas station. The friend who brought me a meal after my father died. The nurse who helped me with my first shower after cancer surgery. The kind man in France who helped us locate the bus stop for our hop-on-hop off bus when we were totally lost. The policewoman in The Netherlands who inquired about a ticket we had received for parking in the wrong spot. When she asked why we had German plates, and I explained we were driving our son’s car, he was stationed in Germany for NATO, she conferred with her staff and forgave the ticket for us and said Merry Christmas! Angels in my midst, they have touched my heart…. Here’s a look at the ones in my house.
These three are hand carved as is the one below and I purchased them while in Guatemala.
Sid Dickens is an artist from Canada, and he makes beautiful ceramic tiles in limited editions. Each one is named and has a short quote on the back.
ANGELIC SPIRIT – “He rode upon a cherub and flew upon the wings of the wind.” Ps 18
BELONGING – “Traditions mark our soul. Free to come home like a child and feel love’s embrace.”
A thoughtful gift from a friend.
Ephemera that I will one day use in my art.
My vision board…which is just a bulletin board with stuff I like! The wooden angel was purchased in Sedona on a family trip, other handmade ornaments are from Taos, and art friends, and a picture of my mama too. She is my guardian angel.
Francis welcomes you into my art studio.
One angel came from The Netherlands, and the other two I bought at The Silent Woman, an amazing decorative accessory shop that used to be located in a remodeled home on Nevada Avenue. It went out of business years ago, but I noticed just last week, there is some activity on the property. I am curious about what might be happening.
A page in my Grief Art Journal, one of the few angels I have ever painted.
Annunciation – Fresco by Fra Angelico, 1450. Painted near the end of his life, the wings reflect his own scheme of ornamentation. It is far removed from the Vatican frescoes he painted in Rome. One time I checked out the book from the library where this painting was featured and then just had to purchase the book. It is so lovely and one I treasure. There will come a day when books like this are not published anymore, paper will be too expensive, or a lack of interest in this subject matter will make it not worthwhile to a publisher. Who knows when that might be the case, I am just happy to have this grand old book in my personal library.
After my morning coffee and a closer look, I decided to give this lady a makeover. With a coat of Old White chalk paint and some acrylic bronze glaze she now is a bit brighter. So goes the life of a maker, we embrace our creative intuition and let it roll. It has taken me quite a while to lean into such inklings, but I am glad this is where I have landed. It is fulfilling, and purposeful, and the process brings me to my center. As the last days of summer are upon us, I hope you are finding time to create. Many of you have been in my classes this summer and it has blessed me beyond words. There is nothing greater than being together, and making art. Thanks for stopping by!