Painting in a grid format over my collage therapy page…
The texture is visible beneath the painting and this technique lends itself to creating a page with unexpected beauty. The supplies I used are pictured here, a very simple palette and minimal tools. With a pencil and ruler, I drew the grid, not measuring, just estimating equal spaces and using the ruler to draw a straight line. This gal cannot draw a straight line, so I use a ruler.
Next step was to let my muse lead the way. Since we are anxiously awaiting spring in my neck of the woods, a bird image came to mind. Working in and out of positive and negative space, using color and line to create design, the spaces began to take shape. Layers of paint, mixing tints with white, mark making with the skewer in upper left, following some of the collage shapes for the painting, no plan at all, just letting creative intuition lead the process. This method of creating allows me to learn to trust my inklings. It is slow, intentional and enjoyable. I keep working the page until it feels done. Now, to move on to another page and see where my muse leads. I hope you give this a try in your art journal. It could be used for a landscape or any subject matter. The GRID…a basic design that can lead to unique results and a great starting point.