Wild at Art is an online art class that I signed up for and enjoyed it so much. As an instructor I also like to take time to explore what others are teaching and get inspired with new ideas. The class I took is offered by Cottage in the Oaks, and Jeanne Oliver. Both offer online art classes and incredible inspiration for living a creative life. It would be worth your while to check them out.
Here is a look at some of the projects I did.
Mark making tools…
Gathering twigs and elements from around my property I created these tools for making marks in my art. Twigs of Russian sage, eucalyptus from a discarded bouquet, a sprig of pine, dried oat grass, and prongs from a yucca plant. I always am delighted when I have all the supplies at hand when taking an art class. I enjoyed roaming around my place and finding a few things to make these tools. With some burlap and gold wire I tied the elements to the twigs. They are so pretty to look at I have not used them for mark making. I placed them in a vase and when the time is right, I will splash them into a bit of ink and swirl marks across a blank page in my art journal.
Leaf rubbings with tracing paper…
It took a few tries before I had some decent rubbings. I used various types of charcoal and found that vine charcoal worked best. Dried leaves I had used for another art project were the perfect candidates for making a rubbing on tracing paper. The paper is light, and the impressions easily appeared as I rubbed the vine charcoal onto the paper with the leaf underneath on a hard surface. With my very special ink pen from Florence, I wrote the names of the leaves on each one.
Pocket Art Journal
I could easily make these little journals over and over! For this one I used Bristol drawing paper so it will be easy to sketch in with pencils and dry media applications. Usually, a painted page with collage is my go-to for art journaling but I decided to try something different. My collection of found papers and leftover snippets from other projects were collaged onto the cover. I used waxed linen thread and the trusty pamphlet stitch to put this together. A bone folder is always useful to create a solid crease in the paper. The date stamp sets this piece in time, also the embellishments were inspired by Easter week. I cut 6 pages of Bristol drawing paper in half, so the journal has a total of 12 pages for my creative musings. It’s easy to add a light coat of white or clear gesso to these pages and then they will be more apt for mixed media. And since there were two sets of pages, I made another journal at the same time. This pocket size is great to tuck into my purse or take when traveling. With a few art supplies I can make marks, sketch, collage with a glue stick, and keep my daily practice going.
I hope this post gives you some inspiration for trying new things in your creative life. As you can see making simple leaf rubbings, or art tools from gathered objects is a different sort of creativity. Nevertheless, working with my hands in new ways always nourishes my creative muse. Thanks Duane and Jeanne for a great class…WILD AT ART!
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