Here is a close up of a painting that I just completed. There are so many layers of paint on this canvas, it is unbelievable. I started by painting loosely and letting my muse out to play. It sounds fun, and it is, but let me just say once the figure emerged, the design and color scheme became challenging. It was a constant push and pull of color and shapes, and finding a balance of the two. There is a small bit of collage that I left without paint, the word earth…and a bit of Hebrew text. When the shapes began to form, the painting looked like land masses viewed from an airplane window. I enjoyed the process of letting the painting give me direction, being free to apply paint and then cover it up leaving just a small glimpse of the previous layer. This created a depth of experience for me as the artist, and also invites the viewer to come closer and see the elements of a hidden layer. The intent of my painting was to capture the essence of land masses, and the secrets held beneath the top layer. Whether gifts of nature or the work of man, the land beneath our feet is full of secrets.
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