Setting my mind toward a new way when it comes to winter and encouraging you to make steps in the same direction with me.
As I write this post it is literally ONE DEGREE OUTSIDE. Last week while talking about this with a friend, it was a balmy 30 degrees outside and seemed much more palatable. In fact, she texted me to today and kiddingly said, I am finding it a bit hard to embrace winter today. LOL…me too!
Stoking up the fireplace, baking quiche and cinnamon rolls in the oven (helps keep the kitchen toasty warm) and a pot of veggie soup started on the stove are some of my ways to enjoy the uniqueness of winter. In fact, today I stayed in bed a little longer, brought my teacup to bed, and read my book. It just felt so good to be curled up and cozy. My daughter in law gave us hot water bottles with little sweaters on them. You would be amazed at the warmth they produce. Just before bed I fill them up with boiling water and place them in our bed, a bit old fashioned but helps keep things nice and warm while the air is cool…our favorite way to sleep.
We enjoyed family time over the holidays and one of my favorite activities is doing art projects with my grandkids. We painted glow in the dark rocks, and they enjoyed it immensely. It was a great distraction for my granddaughter Ella while she takes her daily treatment for Cystic Fibrosis.
Taking a walk around my property just to get a bit of fresh air and avoid cabin fever I noticed some tracks in the snow. It was interesting to think about the little animal which I think was a bunny, hopping around and keeping warm during the oh- so- bitter cold.
Bundling up with your heaviest jacket, hat, gloves, neck warmer and boots makes an outside adventure bearable. Take notice of the elements of winter, like tracks in the snow, dried foliage, fallen pinecones (gather up a few to place in a basket), listen for a bird song… our feathered friends always find a way to sing a song in the winter, or snip some dried twigs to bring back into your studio and place in a vase for a quick sketch later. These simple ways of looking for beauty in the barren landscape bring a fresh way of embracing winter. Around my property today there is a layer of powdery snow, dried grasses, pine trees standing tall in the afternoon sun, and a few Thrush Jays looking for food at my feeder. The garden is stark, as the dirt waits for the spring thaw, the shadows are long, and the day has been quiet. I am liking this new way of embracing winter!
One of the very best practices in winter is lighting candles all day long. When the sun is shining, setting, or in between I love having a lit candle for soft light and fragrance.
This past Saturday was Art Adventure Day at Bemis. We offer free art classes for families and even though it was bitter cold over 500 people came through our studios. It was a wonderful event, and my project was making mixed media snow globes. Families enjoyed seeing my old school musical snow globe featuring Mickey Mouse, made for the year 2000, and hearing the classic tune “As Time Goes By” play.
My daughter and grandson stopped by also. Guess who was more interested in discovering the logs used for props in the drawing studio than making a snow globe! He just turned two, but we are introducing him to the world of Bemis already. Of course, my daughter had so much fun making a snow globe, she grew up taking classes at this iconic art school. May it forever be a jewel in the crown of our lovely city.
On my easel…a winter scene that needs to be completed. I had set it aside during the spring because I was not in the right frame of mind to complete the painting. Now that winter is upon us, I am ready to add the finishing touches. Using acrylic paints and inspired by a book I have written by Tim Deibler, the painting will come together. After studying with Tim when he taught plein air classes locally I have always admired his style. He paints in oils and his work is featured in many places throughout Colorado. Using acrylics for a winter landscape pushes me in a new direction because as you know my first love is bright, colorful florals. We’ll see how this turns out.
photo by ROBYN LEE
Best of all while the garden sleeps and outdoor activities take a back seat, it is the perfect time for making and creating. So, take out your mixed media projects, art journals, sketchbooks, and your favorite supplies and have fun making art. Let your muse lead the way for discovering what is underneath…peel back the layers of perfection and make art just for YOU. It will be a delight to your creative soul during these winter months.
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